Adding power switch without removing GPIO ribbon

Hi there I was wondering if there's a way to add an on/off switch for the Crowpi or the RPI4 using a power switch from an old PC. I have the switch and wondered if I could attach it to the uart, servo or breadboard as I don't want to remove the cropwi's functions by removing the GPIO ribbon cable



  • Yes, you can use the switch as a GPIO level trigger to control the on and off of the Raspberry Pi. However, even if you turn off the power of the Raspberry Pi by pressing the button, the power of CrowPi1 still needs to be turned off manually.

  • Thanks for the reply, I'm looking to use the old PC power switch without removing the GPIO cable as I don't want to limit the cropwi's functions, instead add to it, also is there a way to add a power switch to the Crowpi itself to turn the whole thing off safely

  • That's a good idea!

    Regarding adding a power switch to the CrowPi, I don’t recommend you to do it. We didn’t consider it at the beginning of the design because it would make the whole layout very messy and troublesome, so we added a power switch button to the adapter, which makes it easier, easier and safer to disconnect the power of CrowPi.

  • Thanks, but with the Crowpi I received I didn't get a power adapter with a switch, I will see if I can get one online.

    In regards to the raspberry pi how would I add the power button to the pi without taking the GPIO cable out?

  • You can use some of the pins that have been led out as the power button pin, as shown in the figure below, the servo pins in the red frame:

  • Thank you, are there any specific servo pins that will work? I'm assuming I'll need to code my own power script using sudo halt or sudo shutdown

  • The servo pins circled in the red frame are pin 26 and pin 25 in BCM mode.

    For more on-board modules information, you can find them here

    Also, you can also find pin labels on the PCB board.

  • I was meaning like is it pin 26 and gnd that I need or the pin 26 and 5v or the 5v and gnd?

  • I'd also like to know if you could use either the button matrix or the 4 individual buttons to act as a power button?

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