7 Inch Display - DIS08070H - UART Pin 44 RX



  • I have tried to connect RXD pin of XY-485 to laptop thorough USB/UART convertor. Data have been received successfully .

  • @Elecrow said:
    when did you place the order

    02 May 2024 Aliexpress

  • No ideas?

  • The I043 TX0 should be connected to RXD, and I044 RX0 connect to TXD

  • edited July 24

    @Elecrow said:
    The I043 TX0 should be connected to RXD, and I044 RX0 connect to TXD

    Thanks for answer. Some people talks that XY-485 module must be connected as RX-RXD, TX-TXD. Other people talks that ESP32 hardware UART is not compatible with XY-485 module. https://aliexpress.ru/item/32857507366.html
    What problem in that?

  • edited July 25

    I have tried to connect XY-485 module to CrowPanel thorough Arduino Nano:
    XY-485 UART <-> Arduino Nano Software Serial2 <-> Arduino Nano Hardware Serial UART0 <-> CrowPanel UART0.
    Arduino Nano works in transmitter-receiver program mode.

    And this system works! Dual channel transmission and receiving works fine.
    Why CrowPanel UART0 incompatible with XY-485 UART based on usual MAX485 chip?

  • @Taiga said:
    Why CrowPanel UART0 incompatible with XY-485 UART based on usual MAX485 chip?

    Please answer me!

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