7 Inch Display - DIS08070H - UART Pin 44 RX

Good day,

Can you please assist me with a question regarding the UART on the 7 Inch Display - DIS08070H.
I need to communicate with another esp32 device via UART.

Serial.begin(BAUDRATE, SERIAL_8N1,44,43);

I am able to send data from the 7 Inch unit to the other esp32 but I am not able to receive any data(RX).
I have tested the the esp32 and can send and receive with it(replaced the 7 inch unit with an esp32 module), so if I send data from the 7 inch unit the esp32 receives it, but when I send from the esp32 to the 7 Inch unit I am not getting anything.

Could it be that the UART0 pinout for pin 44 might be broken or am I missing something?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Kind regards



  • Hello Jacques,
    Could you please try to use the serial port tool to send data to the 7-inch board, and monitor whether the serial port of the 7-inch board can receive information?

  • Hello,
    Thanks for the reply.
    I have connected the 7-inch board via type c USB cable.
    When I use the serial tool I am also not able to receive data, can only see the transmitted data.
    Thanks in advance.

    Kind regards

  • I don't know If this is related , but on device startup , this gets printed on the serial port.
    09:35:03.982 -> E (456) gpio: gpio_set_level(227): GPIO output gpio_num error
    09:35:03.982 -> E (456) gpio: gpio_set_level(227): GPIO output gpio_num error
    09:35:03.982 -> E (467) gpio: gpio_set_level(227): GPIO output gpio_num error
    09:35:04.028 -> E (468) gpio: gpio_set_level(227): GPIO output gpio_num error
    09:35:04.028 -> E (473) gpio: gpio_set_level(227): GPIO output gpio_num error

  • Hello @vdmerwej ,
    This information is caused by the touch pin not being initialized and does not affect the function of the serial port.
    May I kindly ask when did you buy your screen? Did you buy it from elecrow website or Amazon? Please send your questions and order number information to order@elecrow.com

  • Hallo,

    I bought it from AliExpress(Elecrow official store)
    The order was placed on Mar 11, 2024.


  • Good day,

    So I mailed as instructed the question and Order number to order@elecrow.com 3 days ago, with no response.
    Can you please advice as to why the Rx pin 44 might not receive data since it should be working as the program is being able to be written to the unit.



  • Hello @vdmerwej
    Please try to change the resistance of R71 \ R72 from 22 ohms to 470 ohms

  • I have the same problem. What to do? To change R71/R72 resistors?

  • @Taiga said:
    I have the same problem. What to do? To change R71/R72 resistors?

    May I kindly ask when did you place the order and which version is your screen?

  • From red plate: SKU: DIS08070H V2.1
    I have XY-485 (XY-017) module for RS485 communication.
    Connections from CrowPanel to XY:
    GND - Black wire - GND
    3V3 - Red wire - VCC
    I043 TX0 - White wire - TXD
    I044 RX0 - Yellow wire - No connection (free)

    TX0 to TXD isn't right connection but works! "TXD" and "RXD" LEDs on XY-485 are flashing, device at RS485 bus is responsing.

    I have tried to connect RX0 yellow wire to RXD pin of XY-485. That isn't work. "RXD" LED on XY-485 stops flashing, no data received.

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