SquarelineStudio Only Support TFT_eSPI?

edited May 2024 in Elecrow HMI Display

When creating a new “Arduino Project" in Squareline, the only option available is “Arduino with TFT_eSPI”. Didn’t we already agree that the RGB display doesn’t use the TFT_eSPI library?
How can Squareline Studio be used to generate an Arduino code for the ESP32 RGB display with Parallel port communication if it does not have that option?

When we use Squareline studio to create a UI project, you will find that in the Arduino item, there is only one option, TFT_eSPI.

You may think that Squareline studio only supports the TFT_eSPI library? However, choosing the TFT_eSPI library here will not have any impact on the UI file. It only generates a template code suitable for the TFT_eSPI library when exporting the UI file.

But in fact, we only need to use the UI files exported by Squareline studio. And the UI file only contains UI-related code. Therefore, squareline studio not only supports the TFT_eSPI library, it supports many graphics library. And what we use is the LocyanGFX.

If you look at the pin configuration, it is the driver code provided by the lovyanGFX library. The encoding is RGB565.

Take ESP32 Terminal RGB as an example. There are 16 bits from DB0 to DB15. R is determined by DB0 to DB4. , G is determined from DB5 to DB10, and B is determined from DB11 to DB15.

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