How to set the User_Setup.h file in the TFT_eSPI library of 4.3/5/7 inch ESP32 display?

edited December 2023 in ESP32 & Lora

4.3/5/7 inch ESP32 display does not require setting the User_Setup.h file in the TFT_eSPI library. 

2023-12-1 updated:

Because when we first made the demo code, we made it based on esp32 version 2.0.3, which will cause some users who have installed the new version to have problems during compilation. Therefore, we modified the program to be compatible with the new version of esp32 package. The screens that have been modified so far include 5-inch and 7-inch screens.

Please refer to the following link for details:

Original explanation:

The 4.3/5/7-inch ESP32 screen is an RGB screen. We use the Arduino_GFX library as the driver. We need to define the pins and create objects according to the hardware connection of the screen. The screen setting part is in the sample program we provide, as shown in the figure(7-inch):

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