CrowPi-L FAQs
1. Defualt password: 12. How to download CrowPi-L OS image
3. Show battery status of CrowPi-L in Raspberry Pi OS
4. Where can I find the course code?
5. CrowPi-L 64bit image
1. Which GIPO is used in CrowPi-L?2. CrowPi-L fan control
3. CrowPi-L power supply
4. How to remove the mainboard of CrowPi-L?
5. How to reduce the noise of the cooling fan?
6. CrowPi-L full hardware shutdown 64-bit Pi OS
7. CrowPi-L schematics (fan board)
4. How to use camera and microphone on CrowPi-L?CrowPi-L Prompt
1. Warning - The software needs to run on CrowPi-Laptop!
I understand in CrowPi-L the mainboard (battery) is connected via the I2C interface. Which address does it use?
Can I connect other I2C items with another address to the same I2C bus?
The GPIO8, GPIO9(SDA1. SCL1) are used.
You can connect other I2C item to SDA0, SCL0