CrowPanel 7" / Crowtail LED + Crowtail PIR
Hi everybody
I'm using OpenHasp+MQTT in HomeAssistant (And No Arduino)
I've a Crowtail PIR and a Crowtail LED.
Crowtail is link to GPIO_D via pin 38 and it work fine (I can switch on/off with MQTT command)
I want detect movement from Crowtail PIR and light on the LED when PIR detect movement.
Where do I link my Crowtail PIR on the CrowPanel 7" ? And which is the input Pin ?
Hello @Yannick
If you don't use the serial port, you can connect it to the serial port.
Hi Jennie

Is the serial port this ?
If yes, the number GPIO is 38 like the GPIO_D pin
Hi Yannick,
This is a I2C port on the photo.So It's can't be used as a normal input/output .
This is a serial port as below shown

I put the crowtail PIR on UART0. I declare Pin 44 as Input, but I can't detect movement.