CrowPanel 2.8"-HMI ESP32 Display brick???

Hello. I started loading the examples for TFT_eSPI 320x240 through the Arduino IDE. At first, everything was fine. Then I began experimenting with new codes, and at some point, the display stopped responding. Now, when I try to load one of the example codes again, I receive an error message.

When I connect the display to the computer with a USB cable, the module is recognized, receives the corresponding COM port, and nothing else happens.
Any suggestions on how to solve this problem, if possible?

I receive this on serial monitor when press reset button:
flash read err, 1000
ets_main.c 371
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57


  • Hello @rado
    Thank you for your information. Our engineers are investigating the cause.
    Before we finally determine the cause and solution, you can try the following solutions:
    1. Change the download speed

    1. Change the USB cable or the USB port of the computer
    2. Use the command line tool esptool to clear the Flash content of ESP32
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