one thing i have noticed is the gfx_conf.h file references lgfx::Touch_GT911 _touch_instance, but if we are now using PCA9557 is this a conflict? Still have no touch. I was told i should send my code to you, and i would be contacted. No contact so i am postingthe code here.
// esp32 by Expressif Systems 2.9.15
// Arduino ESP32 Boards by Arduino 20.0.13
// LovyanGFX by Lovyan03 1.1.12
// lvgl by kisvegabor 8.3.11
// PCA9557
// PSRAM; opi psram
// Partition Scheme: Huge App
include <Wire.h>
include <SPI.h>
include <PCA9557.h>
include <lvgl.h>
#include "ui.h"
/**************************LVGL and UI END************************/
Config the display panel and touch panel in gfx_conf.h
The 7-inch CROW Panel display is not detecting touch. I have tried the above solutions, but the issue persists. Initially, the touch functionality worked correctly when powered on, and the LVGL demo test example was displayed. However, after testing the demo lesson, the touch functionality stopped working. Everything else, including code uploading, works properly without any errors. Please give update on this.
how do i send you the code? I have not recieved an email from you yet.
You can try modify the following sentence in the sample code I sent.
And please remember to check the psram setting is correct.
If it still not working, please contact us at
one thing i have noticed is the gfx_conf.h file references lgfx::Touch_GT911 _touch_instance, but if we are now using PCA9557 is this a conflict? Still have no touch. I was told i should send my code to you, and i would be contacted. No contact so i am postingthe code here.
// esp32 by Expressif Systems 2.9.15
// Arduino ESP32 Boards by Arduino 20.0.13
// LovyanGFX by Lovyan03 1.1.12
// lvgl by kisvegabor 8.3.11
// PCA9557
// PSRAM; opi psram
// Partition Scheme: Huge App
include <Wire.h>
include <SPI.h>
include <PCA9557.h>
include <lvgl.h>
#include "ui.h"
/**************************LVGL and UI END************************/
Config the display panel and touch panel in gfx_conf.h
include "gfx_conf.h"
static lv_disp_draw_buf_t draw_buf;
static lv_color_t disp_draw_buf1[screenWidth * screenHeight / 10];
static lv_color_t disp_draw_buf2[screenWidth * screenHeight / 10];
static lv_disp_drv_t disp_drv;
PCA9557 Out; //for touch timing init
/* Display flushing */
void my_disp_flush(lv_disp_drv_t *disp, const lv_area_t *area, lv_color_t *color_p)
uint32_t w = ( area->x2 - area->x1 + 1 );
uint32_t h = ( area->y2 - area->y1 + 1 );
tft.pushImageDMA(area->x1, area->y1, w, h,(lgfx::rgb565_t*)&color_p->full);
lv_disp_flush_ready( disp );
void my_touchpad_read(lv_indev_drv_t *indev_driver, lv_indev_data_t *data)
uint16_t touchX, touchY;
bool touched = tft.getTouch( &touchX, &touchY);
if( !touched )
data->state = LV_INDEV_STATE_REL;
data->state = LV_INDEV_STATE_PR;
void setup()
Serial.println("LVGL Widgets Demo");
//GPIO init
if defined (CrowPanel_50) || defined (CrowPanel_70)
pinMode(38, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(38, LOW);
pinMode(17, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(17, LOW);
pinMode(18, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(18, LOW);
pinMode(42, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(42, LOW);
//touch timing init
Wire.begin(19, 20);
Out.setState(IO0, IO_LOW);
Out.setState(IO1, IO_LOW);
Out.setState(IO0, IO_HIGH);
Out.setMode(IO1, IO_INPUT);
elif defined (CrowPanel_43)
pinMode(20, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(20, LOW);
pinMode(19, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(19, LOW);
pinMode(35, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(35, LOW);
pinMode(38, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(38, LOW);
pinMode(0, OUTPUT);//TOUCH-CS
//Display Prepare
lv_disp_draw_buf_init(&draw_buf, disp_draw_buf1, disp_draw_buf2, screenWidth * screenHeight/10);
/* Initialize the display /
/ Change the following line to your display resolution */
disp_drv.hor_res = screenWidth;
disp_drv.ver_res = screenHeight;
disp_drv.flush_cb = my_disp_flush;
disp_drv.full_refresh = 1;
disp_drv.draw_buf = &draw_buf;
/* Initialize the (dummy) input device driver */
static lv_indev_drv_t indev_drv;
indev_drv.type = LV_INDEV_TYPE_POINTER;
indev_drv.read_cb = my_touchpad_read;
Serial.println( "Setup done" );
void loop()
I have the same problem, any updates????
Facing the same issue. Tried all of the above, still not working, any update on this team?
The 7-inch CROW Panel display is not detecting touch. I have tried the above solutions, but the issue persists. Initially, the touch functionality worked correctly when powered on, and the LVGL demo test example was displayed. However, after testing the demo lesson, the touch functionality stopped working. Everything else, including code uploading, works properly without any errors. Please give update on this.