DIS08792E : CrowPanel ESP32 5.79” E-paper HMI Display - Tutorials / Examples?
I just received my CrowPanel ESP32 5.79” E-paper HMI Display (SKU DIS08792E001).
Is there any example code out there for this product? Any tutorials?
I've looked at the schematic and data sheets linked from the product page, and while these are greatly helpful, they don't really give me all the information I need to write code for this thing. (In particular, I know nothing about the actual e-paper display, how the SSD1683 controllers are hooked up to it, or the appropriate register settings to make the latter talk to the former.)
Is there source available for the demo app that ships with the device? Any Arduino libraries? (I know how to set up the Arduino IDE for the "ESP32S3 Dev Module" board config; I'm looking for the display and display controller specifically in terms of library supporrt.)
Thanks, and happy hacking.
Hello @dhenke ,
Please kindly check the wiki for 5.79'' E-paper HMI display at: https://www.elecrow.com/wiki/CrowPanel_ESP32_E-paper_5.79-inch_HMI_Display.html
And the tutorial is at the "Platform Supported" section, please click "Get Started" to enter the tutorial page: https://www.elecrow.com/wiki/CrowPanel_ESP32_E-Paper_5.79inch_Arduino_Tutorial.html

I strongly suggest PlatformIO extension in VSCode.