UART 0 not working properly

edited October 2024 in Elecrow HMI Display

I am trying to connect Elecrow 7inch touch display with esp32 wroom using uart commicumication.
The esp32 s3 of elecrow display is able to transmit the data from Tx pin 43 but it is not able to receive any data from other esp32 on rx pin 44.
Rx of esp 32 s3(pin 44) of display to Tx of esp32 at 17 pin(using uart 2)
Tx of esp32 s3(pin 43) of display to Rx of esp32 at 16 pin(using uart 2)
Gnd to gnd

Pls help me if someone has any solution regarding this issue.


  • Hi Dhyey, may I confirm if you connect the UART0 and type-c at the same time? Since they use the same pin, you only can connect one port to use.

  • Yes, I am connecting both UART0 and type-c at the same time but why it is making a problem as I have used many esp 32 and I haven't faced any problem till now about it.

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