Definitive, up-to-date, entry level tutorials for CrowPanel 7"

Hi. it would seem my experience so far mirrors that a lot of users new to the CrowPanel ESP32 display. Most of the threads I have read, voice frustration and confusion over simply setting up this device for first use. I concur. I have had this display sitting on my desktop for over two weeks and so far, I have only been able to see the screen illuminate a couple of times using a number of tutorials and examples. There is nothing more than a signal from the underlying ESP32-S3 architecture to indicate that this device is set up properly. Clearly, it's not.
That brings me to the point of this post. I would really, really appreciate a concise description (including working and up-to-date libraries and examples) of how to get this up and running without having to hack existing example code, swap out incorrect library versions etc. etc. which seems to have been my experience. Right now, I feel like throwing this substantial and potentially very useful piece of kit at the nearest wall because the current learning curve is difficult. It shouldn't be.
Please Elecrow, devise and publish the simplest of simple tutorials for this device that just WORKS, that newcomers can understand and that compiles without issue in Arduino, PlatformIO and Espressif IDF IDE's. Sorry if this sounds like harsh criticism however, I feel like I am wasting a lot of time.
Thank You.

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