CrowPanel 5" ESP32 Display 800x480 simple code
Can someone share a simple code to change the background color of my display? I can't get the display to respond to anything. This is my simple code if someone helps me correct it.
LovyanGFX library 1.1.16
define LGFX_USE_V1
include <LovyanGFX.hpp>
include <lgfx/v1/platforms/esp32s3/Panel_RGB.hpp>
include <lgfx/v1/platforms/esp32s3/Bus_RGB.hpp>
class LGFX : public lgfx::LGFX_Device
lgfx::Bus_RGB _bus_instance;
lgfx::Panel_RGB _panel_instance;
lgfx::Light_PWM _light_instance;
lgfx::Touch_GT911 _touch_instance;
auto cfg = _bus_instance.config();
cfg.panel = &_panel_instance;
cfg.pin_d0 = GPIO_NUM_8; // B0
cfg.pin_d1 = GPIO_NUM_3; // B1
cfg.pin_d2 = GPIO_NUM_46; // B2
cfg.pin_d3 = GPIO_NUM_9; // B3
cfg.pin_d4 = GPIO_NUM_1; // B4
cfg.pin_d5 = GPIO_NUM_5; // G0
cfg.pin_d6 = GPIO_NUM_6; // G1
cfg.pin_d7 = GPIO_NUM_7; // G2
cfg.pin_d8 = GPIO_NUM_15; // G3
cfg.pin_d9 = GPIO_NUM_16; // G4
cfg.pin_d10 = GPIO_NUM_4; // G5
cfg.pin_d11 = GPIO_NUM_45; // R0
cfg.pin_d12 = GPIO_NUM_48; // R1
cfg.pin_d13 = GPIO_NUM_47; // R2
cfg.pin_d14 = GPIO_NUM_21; // R3
cfg.pin_d15 = GPIO_NUM_14; // R4
cfg.pin_henable = GPIO_NUM_40;
cfg.pin_vsync = GPIO_NUM_41;
cfg.pin_hsync = GPIO_NUM_39;
cfg.pin_pclk = GPIO_NUM_0;
cfg.freq_write = 15000000;
cfg.hsync_polarity = 0;
cfg.hsync_front_porch = 8;
cfg.hsync_pulse_width = 4;
cfg.hsync_back_porch = 43;
cfg.vsync_polarity = 0;
cfg.vsync_front_porch = 8;
cfg.vsync_pulse_width = 4;
cfg.vsync_back_porch = 12;
cfg.pclk_active_neg = 1;
cfg.de_idle_high = 0;
cfg.pclk_idle_high = 0;
auto cfg = _panel_instance.config();
cfg.memory_width = 800;
cfg.memory_height = 480;
cfg.panel_width = 800;
cfg.panel_height = 480;
cfg.offset_x = 0;
cfg.offset_y = 0;
LGFX tft;
void setup() {
tft.fillScreen(TFT_GREEN); // Cambia el color de fondo a verde
void loop() {
// Aquí puedes agregar tu lógica de bucle
Hello @gusestevez59 ,
Please refer to the modified code below: