Elecrow 2.8 HMI touch and sd

I have a 2.8 hmi touch display with the esp32. I have touch working and tried to add the SD card and when I use the sd card code from the 2.8 example it will mount and read the card but the touch stops working. I am using screens generated but Squareline Studio but I don't think that matters the tft/touch init and the sd init are from the 2.8 display example off of elecrows wiki.


  • It may be that when reading the content on the SD card, the LVGL task refresh function, lv_timer_handler, was not executed for a long time, causing LVGL to crash.

  • I read the file in the setup function after I init the touch screen. I am reading a settings file to configure the wifi, but am outputting the status of each step to the screen.

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