Can 1 channel LoRaWan Gateway Module be used with chirpstack lorawan server?

Can 1 channel LoRaWan Gateway Module be used with chirpstack lorawan server?



  • Hello, is your cloud server compatible with Chirpstack private lorawan server or TTN open server protocol? If it is compatible, you can directly modify the server and port in the gateway configuration to try to access it.

  • Hello there
    It is possible to use a 1 channel the Lora wan gateway module with the Chirp Stack Lora wan server; though there are limitations. A 1 channel gateway can only handle one frequency at a time; which significantly decreases network efficiency and storage space compared to multi-channel gateways. Although it is not suggested for large scale deployments; this setup might work well for experimental and small scale applications.

  • edited July 2024

    theoretically, a single-channel LoRaWAN gateway module can be used with the chirpstack LoRaWAN server, but there are some limitations. in practice, single-channel gateways aren't recommended for larger networks because they can lose packets and don't handle different frequencies and channels well, which can cause communication issues. people often say it works in the short term, especially for testing or small projects, but it's not a stable long-term solution. chirpstack is more designed to work with multi-channel gateways that can handle more traffic and are more reliable.
    Best regands Christopher [url=] :) [/url]

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