ESP32 5" HMI Display and Arduino IDE

Hi there,
I'm trying to get the Elecrow 5" HMI display (version 2 with i2c socket) going using Squareline Studio and Arduino IDE. I've followed multiple tutorial and YouTube videos, however the board crashes when trying to initialise the display with tft.begin() which seems to be related to the SPI Pinout / driver.
I understanding that the Arduino TFT_eSPI library does not have specific driver support for this board so I was wondering if anyone has had any luck in this scenario?

Arduino IDE 2.3.2
Board: ESP32S3 Dev Module (ESP32 by Expressif Systems)
TFT_eSPI Lib version: 2.5.43

The serial monitor output during boot is shown below:

20:23:38.744 -> Core 1 register dump:
20:23:38.744 -> PC : 0x4202731f PS : 0x00060a30 A0 : 0x820273f4 A1 : 0x3fcebc60
20:23:38.777 -> A2 : 0x00000010 A3 : 0x00000000 A4 : 0x60004000 A5 : 0x0000000d
20:23:38.777 -> A6 : 0x000000ff A7 : 0xff000000 A8 : 0x08000000 A9 : 0x3fcebc30
20:23:38.777 -> A10 : 0x3fcb6d90 A11 : 0x00000001 A12 : 0xffffffff A13 : 0x00000004
20:23:38.777 -> A14 : 0x00000000 A15 : 0x3fc92920 SAR : 0x00000010 EXCCAUSE: 0x0000001d
20:23:38.813 -> EXCVADDR: 0x00000010 LBEG : 0x4202bbe0 LEND : 0x4202bc43 LCOUNT : 0x00000000
20:23:38.813 ->
20:23:38.813 ->
20:23:38.813 -> Backtrace: 0x4202731c:0x3fcebc60 0x420273f1:0x3fcebc90 0x420273fc:0x3fcebcb0 0x42001f3a:0x3fcebcd0 0x4202c9ba:0x3fcebd40
20:23:38.813 ->


  • Hello @mcornhill ,
    Thank you for your information.
    The 5'' HMI requires LovyanGFX as the drive library. The library TFT_eSPI doesn't support this display.

  • Squareline Studio provides support for TFT_eSPI so is there any plan to support this board using this library? Squareline Studio makes GUI development easy so having seamless support would make your boards much easier to work with for more makers who are not expert programmers.

  • Hello @mcornhill ,
    Yes, Squareline studio supports the TFT_eSPI library
    When using the Arduino framework (our sample program uses Arduino), only Arduino with TFT_eSPI can be selected,but this does not mean that only TFT_eSPI is supported.
    The 5-inch HMI screen is an RGB screen, and the TFT_eSPI library does not support this 5-inch screens. It is more appropriate to use LovyanGFX.

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