DIS08070H : CrowPanel 7.0" HMI ESP32 Display - How to change screen brightness?
I have this screen working with OpenHasp and need to know:
How to increase/decrease screen brightness
I have read that Pin 4 is the display, does it accept high/low to power the screen off?
Hello @chris2172 ,

The IO2 can control the screen backlight turn on/off, but the brightness can not be adjusted.
Thanks for this.

I now have a great-looking screen with everything I want on it and it will dim after 1 minute and turn off after 5 of inactivity.
I was so impressed that I showed a colleague at work who also ordered his first screen,
@chris2172 So it is possible to reduce the brightness with a PWM signal on GPIO2, contrary to what was said above?
No, the GPIO2 can't generate PWM signal.
Thanks for the explanation
@chris2172 Hi Chris
As GPIO2 can't generate PWM signal, how did you dim the screen ?