Yet Another.... "CrowPi L prompt "Warning - The software needs to run on CrowPi-Laptop!""

My new CrowPi L laptop was working fine for the first two days and I had to remove the fan PCB to allow easier access to the SD card PCB. I swapped the SD card and replaced the fan PCB and fired up the laptop.

Now, unfortunately since then, I get the message "CrowPi L prompt "Warning - The software needs to run on CrowPi-Laptop and the Pi Panel doesn't load. If I restart the laptop, I get exactly the same. However, if I select 'Restart' the laptop reboots OK but this time the Pi Panel loads OK and I get a different message "The specified directory '/home/Pi/desktop' is not valid.

I did see an earlier post where someone had the same issue and Elecrow suggested that the fan board may not be seated correctly but it was, I was a bit concerned that I may have damaged to fan board when replacing the SD card so I checked the continuity on all pins from the RPi to the Elecrow PCB and they were fine.

I am running the new 64 bit OS and as yet I have done very few alterations

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