CrowPi2 "No Siganl" Problem


I purchased the CrowPi2 - All in One Raspberry Pi Laptop & STEM Learning Platform. I am receiving a system error that I am unable to resolve. The error is no signal. I have tried multiple times different suggestions I have read on forums etc. Please advise on next steps. Thanks for your time.


1.Check whether the HDMI signal connection is correct and whether the cable and HDMI adapter board are damaged.

2.Check whether it is an SD card problem:

Replace an SD card or burn another system, such as the Raspberry Pi os or CrowPi2 os, and then see if it can start normally.

3. Check whether there is a problem with the Raspberry Pi:

Uninstall the screws, remove the Raspberry Pi, and connect to a screen instead of the CrowPi2 to see if it can boot normally.

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