Touch doesn't always work

Hello, having some issues with the touchscreen of the esp32s3 7" display. With one of the screens, If i press the reset button on the back, the touchscreen works every other time, and if i hold the reset button, it works every reset. With a slightly newer screen (same model, has transparent black casing), it only works on reset, and not on first power up. The results are the same whether i use the demo code or my own Squareline UI. I have tried different lovyan versions, and esp32 board versions. This doesnt seem to be a problem with the demo code when uploaded by Elecrow, before i re-upload. Any suggestions?




  • I'm having the same problem, I think I've narrowed it to the I2C communication, in the Library TAMC_GT911.cpp the read() function calls readByeData(GT911_POINT_INFO), what comes back is garbage, bufferStatus: 1, largeDetect: 1, proximityValid: 1, haveKey: 1, touches: 15. Why this happens, I've read on the GitHub page for that library that the INT pin is floating and will sometimes boot in a different configuration. I don't seem to be identifying an INT pin on the schematic so some further information on this problem would be appreciated.

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