ESP32 Terminal and micropython

I have used ESP32 Terminal 3.5" (DLC35010R) successfully with Arduino IDE and VS Code.

I tried to do some test with Micropython, but without success. I have used both bin files from

together with the Hello World LVGL example:

import lvgl as lv


scr = lv.obj()

btn = lv.btn(scr)

btn.align(lv.ALIGN.CENTER, 0, 0)

label = lv.label(btn)

label.set_text('Hello World!')


This program crashes at the line "scr = lv.obj()" and the ESP Terminal reboots.

If I look into the file the pin definitions don't fit to the pins as used in the arduino files i use. So my questions:

  1. Are above mentioned github files really for the ESP32 Terminal 3.5" / DLC35010R
  2. What is the difference between the -A.bin and the -B.bin files?
  3. Are there any source files available to compile the micropython including LVGL for 16bit RGB interface as used on the ESP32 Terminal?

Best Regards from Germany



  • Hello @hemonu ,

    1. The pins are defined according to the GPIO numbers.

    2. A-bin is the firmware that includes the driver, and B-bin is the firmware that does not include the driver.

    3. For the operation steps, you can refer to the esp32 4.3-inch hmi tutorial:

  • As this display uses 16bit parallel interface it's a bit more than just the pin numbers ;-)

    It finally got it working with this

    import lcd

    import machine

    def config():

      bus_tft = lcd.8080(

        data = (

          machine.Pin(47), \

          machine.Pin(21), \

          machine.Pin(14), \

          machine.Pin(13), \

          machine.Pin(12), \

          machine.Pin(11), \

          machine.Pin(10), \

          machine.Pin(9), \

          machine.Pin(3), \

          machine.Pin(8), \

          machine.Pin(16), \

          machine.Pin(15), \

          machine.Pin(7), \

          machine.Pin(6), \

          machine.Pin(5), \

          machine.Pin(4)), \

        dc = machine.Pin(45),       \

        write = machine.Pin(18),\

        read = machine.Pin(48),\

        cs = None,\

        pclk = 20000000,     \

        width = 480,           \

        height = 320,\

        swap_color_bytes = False,\

        cmd_bits = 8,\

        param_bits = 8\


      tft = lcd.ILI9488(

        bus = bus_tft, \

        reset = None, \

        backlight = machine.Pin(46),   \

        reset_level = False, \

        color_space = RGB565, \

        bpp = 16





      return tft

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