enabling LiPo battery charger in ESP32-S3 5 Inch Display?


I am having trouble getting the battery charger circuit to work in the ESP32-S3 5 Inch Display.

I have connected a regular 3.7V LiPo battery to the JST connector, and have confirmed that when this battery is charged the module can be powered from it directly without using a USB.

However, I would like to be able to charge the battery from the USB. This does not seem to work just by plugging in the USB and attaching the battery. Am I missing a step? Does there need to be a special pin enabled, or other step to be done to activate the charging circuit?

Many thanks!


  • Hi @sniffle ,

    Sorry for the inconvenience caused. The ESP32 HMI displays have no battery charging circuitry.

  • Thank you for the clarification. I had mistakenly understood the words "battery interface" in the product description to mean that it would support charging. This is a feature offered by other similar boards from other manufacturers, so I am surprised that it is not supported here.

    Please consider adding LiPo battery charging support in the future. It would be a strong benefit to those users who wish to use this nice display in a portable device.

    For now, I will have to stop developing on this 5" display and move to another board.

  • @sniffle Thank you very much for your suggestion. Due to the limited chip resources used, we have abandoned the charging circuit. However, the ESP terminal 3.5-inch screen has a battery charging circuit. Maybe it can be used in your project.

    We will pay attention to this issue in subsequent product development

    We apologize again for the inconvenience caused to you.

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