Drivers and/or setup for Crowpi2 on a stock Raspbian?
I just received the CrowPi2 and so far it seems pretty nice.I'd like to be able to use the speakers and camera with a stock Raspbian install. The camera doesn't appear to be compatible with the standard Pi camera and I can't find a way of getting to the speakers. Is there any documentation or set of installable drivers?
The camerea is a USB camera. You can use it with Mplayer.Step1. Open the camera
Run "sudo mplayer tv://" on terminal after downloading Mplayer.
Then you will see the camera window
Step2. Take pictures
Run "fswebcam -r 640x480 -S 45 --jpeg 85 --save /home/pi/photo.jpg"
The name of the picture is photo.jpg and the picture will be saved in the /home/pi directory.
Press enter and then you can find a picture named photo.jpg in the /home/pi directory.
Audio is output via HDMI.Right click the icon of the speaker and select HDMI to get to the speakers