How to disassembly the CrowPi

edited January 2023 in Raspberry Pi & CrowPi

Here are the steps to disassembly the CrowPi:

1.Remove the screws on the base board and pry the board forcefully. Click here to watch the video.

2.Remove the screws that hold the flat cable

3.Use the torx screwdriver to remove the screws that hold the acrylic plate, then pry the plate forcefully.(Be careful not to damage the camera) 

4.Remove the screws that hold the flat cable

5.Remove the copper pillar that holds the sreen

6.Unplug the HDMI and USB (touch) cables

7.Remove the crowatil cable on the back of the board

Once you've done, you've completely dismantled the CrowPi.


  • It would be nice to post in the Forum a similar manual "How to disassembly-the-CrowPI-L" because I will have to do it in a near future, the motherboard of my CrowPi-L being bad and having to be replaced and I do not want to make any mistake, having already had some misfortune with my unit.
  • edited January 2023
    @Pierre Hi, the instruction on How to remove the mainboard of CrowPi L? has posted, please click the link to read.
  • Thanks Winnie for these instructions. They will be helpful tomorrow when I disassemble the beast!
  • You write "Step 4 Remove the cover forcibly..." but it strongly resist when approaching the hinge side. Should I use strength, I fear breaking the keyboard. I double checked the screws I have removed, I did not find one missing.
  • edited January 2023
    @Pierre Thanks for your feedback. Now I have added an operation video and some pictures at the page "How to remove the mainboard of CrowPi L". Hope that will be helpful.
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