SD Card stops touch working
Hi All,
Thanks for the great tutorials. I am using your DIS06043H 4.3” Crow Panel.
Basically I have lesson 6 (with my own Square Line screens) running and everything works as it should.
My problem is that when I install the SD Card initialization code (from lesson 3) the touch stops working. If I write to the SD Card the system crashes. The SD Card initializes with out an error message.
I modified the initialization for the SD Card as follows with same problem:
include <Wire.h>
include <SPI.h>
#include <FS.h?
include <lvgl.h>
include "ui.h"
include <SD.h>
include "gfx_conf.h"
// for esp_now
include <esp_now.h>
include <WiFi.h>
include <EEPROM.h>
SPIClass * sd_spi = NULL;
// Define custom SPI pins
define SD_CS 10 // Chip Select (CS) pin
define SD_MISO 13 // Master In Slave Out pin
define SD_MOSI 11 // Master Out Slave In pin
define SD_SCK 12 // Serial Clock pin
Code in SETUP to start SD_Card:
sd_spi = new SPIClass(HSPI);
sd_spi->begin(SD_SCK, SD_MISO, SD_MOSI, SD_CS);
pinMode(sd_spi->pinSS(), OUTPUT);
if (!SD.begin(SD_CS, *sd_spi, 80000000))
{Serial.println("SD card initialization failed!"); return; }
I fixed the code, SD.begin works without interference with touch.
The system still crashes when opening SD card. The touch is on an interrupt, I verified that the touch chip select is not going low during a write to SD. I suspect but can't prove the lovyanGFX is still listening to the SPI bus.
touch_cfg.bus_shared = true; // 画面と共通のバスを使用している場合 trueを設定