CRT01267K : RTD2556 Driver Board/Controller Board Kit for HD Monitor With EDP 30-Pin

  1. I have a B120XAN01.0 display (12" 1366x912). The vertical pixel size is unusual (768 is typical, 912 is HD+). I cannot find a edp controller board for it. The one I have drives 768 pixels vertically and while it displays HDMI, it is scrolled up about 144 pixels with a black line across. I'm hoping elecrow's RTD2556 Driver Board will work.
    But there is no documentation on how to configure the RTD2556 for various resolutions.
    Any help is welcome!


  • Hello @devcybiko
    The RTD2556 Driver Board firmware can only light up the screen with 1920*1080 resolution, and can be connected to 30P cable.

  • Thanks Jennie - I think we're communicating via email as well.
    Is it possible to flash the RTD2556 with alternative firmware?

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