no data send via CRT01262M (elecrow-gw01)

edited January 29 in ESP32 & Lora

dear all,
installing the CRT01262M / elecroe-gw01 went perfectly. also setup at The Things Network.
i can see the gateway running smoothly. it's setup for europe.
after i start my heltec htcc-ab01 v2 i see it via the above mentioned gateway connecting. that works fine i also see the device live in the application and live data at end device.
After one minute there is data send from temperature. I only saw the data coming in once readable via payload. second time, third etc. it looks like no data is coming in anymore via gateway. even if i restart gateway i have no guarantee that it wil work. last two day (after often restarting en connecting two times i received data.

when i connect via public access point in city i see data coming in every minute. problem seems to be the CRT01262M / elecroe-gw01 any idea how to solve this?

regards, Peter

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