ESP32S3 2.13 E-Paper reference
I am looking for example code for
Preferably using esp_lcd (lcd_panel) ESP-IDF interface. Please advise
Here are some example code and Youtube tutorials
Example code:
Video tutorials
Thank you for the response. I am looking at it now.
Can anyone comment as to whether this library is compatible?
Update: aforementioned ssd1681 component is highly compatible and shows promising results. I am forking and making requisite adjustments.
I notice, however that I need to specify resolution at 122x~263 otherwise I get vertical artifacts near the end of the display. My theories so far:
At the moment I don't know. Please advise, criticize and comment. Thank you!
Two weeks later and I am still awaiting some feedback.
I'm sorry for not responding to your message in a timely manner. If you need a quick reply, please send an email to
Here is the answer to your question:
The resolution aliasing and alignment issues may be the root cause of the artifacts. Adjusting the resolution to 122x263 solved the problem, and it can now be used normally.> @malachib said:
Alright, I wish we could explain the deviation of this from the example code which seems to actually use x262. Thank you for the email address.