Esphome in CrowPanel -ESP32 Display-1.28
Good morning, I am trying to install ESPHome on a CrowPanel Round 1.28", but I can't get the screen to turn on.
Looking at the Arduino code examples, it seems that some GPIOs of the IO expander need to be activated, but this model of expander is not officially supported in ESPHome, at least as of now.
Is there any external component or snippet to use the expander?
We have Wiki tutorial about Esphome,did you follow the tutorial and it isn't work?
Hi. These is a tutorial about Home Assistant, it is not about EspHome.
Sorry we didn't do the esphome adaptation for the 1.28 round screen.
The only requirement is the IO expander, a simple component could be enough.
Or, as minimal, a I need know how the screen GPIOs are connected to the IO Expander.

i2c connected, IO4/IO5.
You can view the schematic, attached
I hope this help