LoRa Radio Node v1.0 Information

Hello I purchased this board: https://www.elecrow.com/sx1278-lora-atmega328p-rfm98-433-915mhz-radio-node-module.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.1000023.17.3feenDfRnDfRzv#description
Problem is I don't know how to use it and googling has come up with very little.
1) For example, does the code that came with it do anything? Where can I find the factory restore code.
2) How the heck do you identify this board? I do not see anything in the forums for elecrow? I have googled all identification on the pcb, and on the Elecrow website.
Can anyone help me?


  • Dear @MrGadget ,
    Please find the attached file.This is the factory code.
    If you have any questions please feel free to contacr me!

  • edited December 2024

    Hi Jennie,
    Thank you for your response. This is very helpful, though as I’m new to this, I’m not entirely sure how to proceed. I noticed there is a directory labeled "doc," but it appears to be empty. Is there any additional documentation or resources available that might guide me further?
    For context, I have purchased the ELECROWGW1C LoRa Basic Gateway Module V1.0, which I have already initialized and registered with The Things Network, so I believe it’s ready to receive messages. Additionally, I’ve also purchased the Elecrow LoRa Node Radio V1.0 and would like to understand how to use it to send data to my ELECROWGW1C gateway.
    From my understanding, the code provided seems to be for sending data from one LoRa radio to another directly, which isn’t exactly what I need in this case.
    Any guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

  • Hello,
    Is this the ELECROWGW1C LoRa Basic Gateway Module V1.0 you purchased?

  • Yes, this is it and I believe I have now figured it out and registered it with the things network so thank you Jennie. To be honest the instructions are very bad and confusing and the first photo shows the wrong version of arduino ide code which does not work. After finally figuring it out I removed it and installed the version I see in the photos that are after this first one and it compiled with no issues.

    Now I also purchased your SX1278 LoRa ATmega328P RFM98 433/ 915MHz Radio Node Module with the intent of sending data to the gateway module you show above but cannot find much information on this board either.
    So, I have two questions about this module:
    1) does it have code in it as I received it and if so how do I use it?
    2) I do not see anything about this on your forums or even doing a google search. Can you please tell me where to find information on how to program and use this board?

    Thank you.

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