Download link of the latest version of Letscode (Continually updated)
by feydaykyn ·Linux compatibility was promised when I bought the inventor kit in May 2021. So that's more THREE years and I still have a brick at home. Is there any alternative to letscode to use the kit? -
help with resetting the esp32+tft module
by Danakin ·I was following the commands to update the firmware with a mac as the letscode connection wasn't working and I couldn't upload any code on it, but I think I did something wrong. -
Master kit no longer working
by jziegler ·on the screen at all. I have tried using both Letscode and the flash download utility to flash the game console code. Is it possible to get a replacement module? I don't want to get an entire new ki -
Latest version of Letscode
by Elecrow ·The letscode installation package is not the whole OS, please refer to this post to install the letscode on CrowPi2 -
Cannot get programs to load on Letscode
by gilwood ·Have recently encountered a problem in that my coded programs that I construct in scratch will not load. The blue box comes up but just sits there. In the past a loading progress bar would come up an… -
PCB trace width
by Elecrow ·Hello @letscode , -
Manufacturing files for acrylic laser cutting orders.
by Elecrow ·Hello @letscode , -
Elecrow Products FAQs Catalog
by Elecrow ·1.Letscode FAQs -
Second motor not working in one direction with Bluetooth projects using crowbit inventor kit
by rava ·or Could it be related to the use of MakeCode instead of LetsCode? In applications developed with LestCode (no Bluetooth controlled) the 2 DC motor modules work fine. -
Explanation of CrowBot movement codes
by Markus ·I want to know the motor driving of crowbot bolt in letscode. -
Creator Kit code not working!!!!
by shivhare01 ·C:\Program Files (x86)\Letscode\arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\cores\arduino/main.cpp:46: undefined reference to `loop' -
mbit and letscode
by ellapyae ·I want motor driver module for mbits. -
Letscode linux version
by Eleanor ·Here's the download link: https://www.elecrow.com/maker/letscode/cnt?f=Letscode%20for%20Raspberry_armv7l-V1.1.9.zip -
Letscode FAQ
by Elecrow ·Download link of the latest version of Letscode -
Latest version of Letscode
by framboise314 ·Hi, sorry but i try to find the latest version of Letscode -
Latest version of Letscode
by Elecrow ·@frenchsimmer Hi, please download the lastest version of Letscode at this page https://www.elecrow.com/letscode.html -
Latest version of Letscode
by frenchsimmer ·where can we download latest version of Letscode? -
New to CrowPi-L OS (V2) - Help needed with so many problems...
by NotFastEnuf ·LESCODE INSTABILITY: My son has lost countless projects just from walking away from his desk for a minute on LETSCODE. The app seems stable as long as you are using it.... but walk away and you will -
Letscode on Raspberry Pi
by Elecrow ·Hi, I'm sincerely sorry to tell you that letscode for Raspberry Pi only includes CrowPi2 and CrowPi L modules. -
Crowbits UNO - Firmware installation fail with Letscode
by Elecrow ·Sorry for not updating information about the latest version of Letscode(V1.2.0) in time. Please download it from this page: https://www.elecrow.com/letscode.html and try to install the firmware agai