7" display - reinstall factory firmware

I have a brand-new 7" display, which when powered on, ran a nice demo program, so the hardware definitely works.

I erased the flash using esptool.py, and attempted to reinstall the 7.0-inch_Factory_firmware files from the Google Drive link.

I used esptool.py to load the 4 firmware bin files, and the flash was successful according to the esptool output.

When I reset the board, the screen is blank. If I connect to the usb serial port, I see a constant stream of "invalid header: 0xffffffff" messages, and the board periodically resets with the following message:


Build:Mar 27 2021

rst:0x10 (RTCWDT_RTC_RST),boot:0x8 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)

As far as I can tell, there are no hardware or connectivity issues, so I suspect the firmware files are not valid in some way.

I would appreciate any suggestions or advice.



  • Hello @jalsop ,

    Did you follow this instruction:https://forum.elecrow.com/discussion/510/how-to-install-the-factory-demo-firmware-with-flash-download-tool/p1?new=1 to install the firmware?

    The firmware in the Google Drive is old. You can try following this tutorial:https://forum.elecrow.com/discussion/495/how-to-upload-the-esp32-display-factory-program-by-arduino-ide to upload the code by Arduino IDE to sea if it can display normally.

  • Thank you.

    Yes - I followed the instructions you referred to. They said to use the Google drive files, which I now understand are "old".

    I will try with the new firmware you supplied. I'm running on MacOS so I can't use the Windows flash tool, but I will try with esptool.py and let you know if it works.

    Note: I built a new micropython binary from scratch for the ESP32-S3 and it works fine on the board., so I am satisfied that the hardware is ok.

    Is there information available on how to add LVGL support for your display to a custom micropython build?


  • OK - I loaded the new firmware you supplied, and it works correctly. Thank you!

    For the benefit of anyone else needing to use esptool.py, here is the command I used to flash the board:

       esptool.py -b 460800 --before default_reset --after no_reset --chip esp32s3 \

           write_flash --flash_size detect --flash_freq 80m \

               0xe000 elecrow/boot_app0.bin \

               0x0 elecrow/LvglWidgets-LVGL-7.0.ino.bootloader.bin \

               0x8000 elecrow/LvglWidgets-LVGL-7.0.ino.partitions.bin \

               0x10000 elecrow/LvglWidgets-LVGL-7.0.ino.bin

    Note that I moved the firmware files to a folder named "elecrow".

    I would still like to know how to add LVGL support for your display to a micropython build.


  • Jalsop,

    Can you tell me what version of MicroPython the new firmware is running?

  • I'm using the latest version of micropython. It prints the following banner on startup:

    > MicroPython v1.23.0-preview.36.gbd21820b4 on 2024-01-10; Generic ESP32S3 module with ESP32S3

    Also, I am using esp-idf-v5.1.2

  • Jalsop,

    Is this something that you compiled yourself? The MicroPython website has something for the ESP32S3, but it's for a device with 8MB of flash memory.

    Can you share the build that you've made?

  • @Elecrow,

    Do you have that new firmware for the 5.0 screen?

  • I made a standard build of micropython for a generic ESP32-S3. It runs fine on the HMI 7" hardware, but of course does not support the display. It would likely run equally well on the 5" display.

    I want to make my own micropython build which includes LVGL support for the HMI display.

    Happy to share the firmware that I built, but I don't know how to upload files here. (I'm a newbie on this site).

  • OK - figured it out. Here are the firmware files.

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