What is the distinction between ESP Terminal and ESP32 HMI Display?
Different Main Chip:
- The terminal is a 3.5-inch screen with ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N16R8 (16MB Flash 8MB PSRAM) as the main control
- The main control of 2.4-2.8inch HMI display is ESP32-WROOM-32-N4 (4MB Flash)
- The main control of 3.5-inch HMI display is ESP32-WROVER-B (4MB Flash 8MB PSRAM)
- The main control of 4.3-inch HMI display is ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N4R2 (4MB Flash 2MB PSRAM)
- The main control of 5.0-7.0-inch HMI display is ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N4R8 (4MB Flash 8MB PSRAM)
Different Size
Different Port:
For more information, please refer to:
ESP Terminal:
ESP Terminal Comparison:
ESP32 HMI Display:
ESP32 Display Comparison: