DIS07050H : CrowPanel 5.0" HMI ESP32 Display - Need ESP-IDF Driver
I am working on a project using the CrowPanel 5.0"-HMI ESP32 Display 800x480 RGB TFT LCD Touch Screen. I am writing my code with ESP-IDF and I am struggling to find a driver for this HMI (ILI6122 & ILI5960).
I am specifically looking for a non-Arduino based solution. Can anyone provide guidance or resources for finding or developing a driver for this display in ESP-IDF?
Hello @frknn
Please kindly check the ESP-IDF tutorial for the 5'' HMI ESP32 Display at: https://www.elecrow.com/wiki/CrowPanel-ESP32-5.0-inch-with-ESP-IDF.html
This is not pure ESP-IDF, it still uses Arduino libraries. Can you provide an SDK which used only ESP-IDF?
did you find anything?
I need this as well.. I can't find any ESP-IDF examples that run on the Elecrow HMI panels. They are all Arduino - I have SquareLine Studio, but there isn't any functional ESP-IDF project from Elecrow. This is really frustrating - don't want to use Arduino for a product.
I too need this.