Slow screen update
I have purchased both 5" and a 7" elecroc hmi display. I have played around with Squareline Studio using LVGL and doing it in the arduino IDE. All seems up and running, and I have even made it communicate values over UART back and forth to either a PC or whatever controller one choosees to use.
That makes it even more usefull because you can add a large number of externals to the displays.
What I am curious about is. I experience a somewhat slow update on the screens. Even with the preinstalled examples, the screen updates are not that fast. When I make a screen change by a wipe animation og similar, I experience the screen change is stuttering. I also se it when doing animation transforms in a Bar for instance. Given a fast CPU as the esp32 I would expect a very fast screen update.
I have set up the board as ESP32S3 Dev module, with Partition Scheme "Huge APP (3MB No OTA....) and PSRAM as "OPI PSRAM" as suggested in the setup guide.
I have searched the forum without any luck for my problem. And since I haven't found any other talking about the issue, I guess it is just me having this issue. I would like to ask this question:
Why is the screen stuttering? Is there something to do about it? :-)
Hello @NeumannNBI ,

In the code, we have adjusted the cache refresh to the best, using two buffers buf1 and buf2, each of which is 1/8 of the screen size. The official documentation explains that 1/10 is the optimal speed, and increasing it will not significantly improve the speed.
The only thing that can be modified is in the lv_conf.h file. I changed the refresh interval to 15. The default value is 30. You can change it to 10 to see if it improves.
Thanks for your suggestions. It showed me that Squareline Studio only generates 1 buffer.
But even if I change that to 2 buffers, it doesn't change anything.
Even if I change the refresh rate to 10ms in lv_conf.h the stuttering persists.