CrowPanel 7" inch - can we use esp-idf without arduino?
ESP-IDF has support for RGB panel - see example. Is it possible to use this example with the 7 inch display??
The dimensions in the example are also 800x480. I would like to avoid using Arduino.
Hello @anujdeshpande ,
Thanks for your sharing. Please refer to this example:
@Elecrow That uses arduino-esp32.
The RGB panel library provided by Espressif might not support the driver use in the CrowPanel 7.0'' display(EK9716BD3 & EK73002ACGB).

I was able to get it working with the rgb_example in esp-idf @Elecrow . I think you can update your wiki as well so that other folks can use ESP IDF directly without resorting to Arduino-IDF
You can find it here -
I needed to make a few changes
Thank you for your feedback. I have forwarded your message to the engineer and we will update the wiki after we update the demo code. Thanks again for your help!