ESP32 HMI Display Compilation Failure
If you use our example code and it fails to compile, has errors, or reports missing libraries, etc., please note that use the libraries we provide on the Wiki.
Please note that the ESP32 version is 2.0.x .Remove the ESP32 3.0+ .Download ESP32 2.0.14
If you downloaded the library through the platform, not our libraries we modified. please note that the version of lvgl library is at 8.3.x, lovyangfx library is at 1.1.8, because the latest version may not be compatible.
7'' HMI Libraries Download Link:
5'' HMI Libraries Download Link:
4.3'' HMI Lbraries Download Link:
I did everything that is written in the document:
-retrieved the "modified" libraries
-copied these libraries into Arduinio /libraries
-modified the program as described
and.... A million errors!!!
1-Arduinocrowpanel-esp32-7.0-3.0-touchtouch.h:166:71: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope; did you mean 'led'?
166 | touch_last_x = map(ts.points[0].x, TOUCH_MAP_X1, TOUCH_MAP_X2, 0, lcd.width() - 1);
2- error: redefinition of 'SPIClass& spi'
3- error: redefinition of 'int touch_last_x'
44 | int touch_last_x = 0, touch_last_y = 0;
4-int touch_last_y' previously defined here
44 | int touch_last_x = 0, touch_last_y = 0;
5- error: redefinition of 'void touch_init()'
-6 error: redefinition of 'bool touch_has_signal()'
128 | Bool touch_has_signal
Etc... And there are still plenty of them!!
Well, as usual, nothing works.
I'm going to uninstall Arduino IDE, as well as all the libraries and I'm going to start again with only the libraries you provide, then compile again and if it's still a failure, the HMI7 will go to the trash and Elecrow will have lost a client, maybe many others among those who will have read me and who share the same problems
If you follow the steps above and compile the attached code and still have problems compiling, please send me the error message to troubleshoot.
I'll assist you further with your problem.Please contact Technical support for
Good evening
finally I managed to get one of the examples to work.
But, none of them can work with LVGL 9.0, nor with the latest modifications made by Expressif to its development code, many instructions have changed or disappeared, that's why it didn't work.
I didn't know and neither did you, but I looked and I found it, like what!
Thank you for spending some time with me and good luck, train yourself ...
Good day! usual, nothing works
I'm trying to compile an arduino_sample example.
I installed a completely clean Arduino IDE.
I installed an esp32 board by Espressif
I downloaded an example. Copied the attached libraries to ...Arduino/libraries/
I opened an example in the arduino ide.
When compiling the example, the IDE returns this error
C:\work\LvglWidgets-5.0-NOSPEAK\LvglWidgets-5.0-NOSPEAK.ino:168:10: fatal error: ui.h: No such file or directory
#include "ui.h"
compilation terminated.
exit status 1
Compilation error: ui.h: No such file or directory