CrowPi L prompt "Warning - The software needs to run on CrowPi-Laptop!"

edited December 2022 in Raspberry Pi & CrowPi
Question: Why I get a warning message saying "The software needs to run on Crowpi-Laptop."?

Answer: If the MCU STM8S003 on CrowPi L isn't detected, the Warning message will prompt. The MCU is detected via I2C port.
1. Please check whether the GPIO board is installed properly or in good condition.

2. Maybe STM8S003 on motherboard crashes, please try unplugging the battery for a minute and plug it back, and see if the I2C problem will be solved.


  • Unplugging the battery worked to solve the I2C problem. Thanks.
  • Yes, I have seen this reply before. I have tested each of the 40 connections using a multimeter and they are all fine and the PCB is connected correctly. If I restart the laptop from the desktop, everything is fine, the software loads and there is no message, I only get this error message when I boot for the first time from cold.

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