7" display - reinstall factory firmware



  • I would also like to get a newer version of micropython running with support for the HMI display. I don't even particularly care about having LVGL, as I'm just using the framebuf class for most of what I'm doing.

    It would be nice of @Elecrow could provide the C drivers that they used for their micropython build so that we could incorporate those into newer micropython, and lvgl, releases.

  • With the old MicroPython build supplied in the factory archive, I was having a problem with display synchronization. After I configured the display under MicroPython, it would often take up to 30 seconds before the display stopped flashing and stabilized. The MicroPython build above - in esp32.zip - fixed the problem. I would note that the files above cannot be installed easily with Thonny, since Thonny expects a single image that includes the bootloader, partition map, and application all in one file. I used the Adafruit web-based ESPTool (https://adafruit-esptool.glitch.me/) to install just the micropython.bin file, leaving the existing bootloader and partition map untouched. The address for micropython.bin is 0x10000. If you need to install the bootloader and partition table, perhaps because you erased the entire FLASH, you should put the bootloader at 0 and the partition table at 0x8000.

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