MicroPython firmware for 5.0 screen is very old

I am attempting to use the MicroPython firmware for the 5.0 screen and it appears the last build date was 2021. Can you share the build parameters or burn a new firmware image? The language has been significantly changed in those two years. I can't program what I need to program with a 2 year old firmware image.

The current version is set to V1.22 about to be V1.23 on January 15th.

Thank you,



  • Hello @randalstout ,

    The sample program was written in 2023. May I kindly ask what is the old firmware? We plan to write a new sample program, and I will remind the software engineers.

  • The MicroPython firmware being used is dated 2021. The engineers need to be compiling the MicroPython firmware for this variant of the ESP32 at least monthly so that we can use the features that are continuously being added to MicroPython.

  • @Elecrow

    Have you guys created newer firmware for the 5.0 screen?

  • @Elecrow

    Would it be possible to release the drivers/libraries that you build into your micropython builds as source so that we can compile them into newer micropython releases? Also, as much as I need the lcd display driver, I don't necessarily need all of the overhead of lvgl, so it would be nice to have a smaller micropython release that had the display driver, but let me use just the builtin framebuf APIs to control it.

    I looked on your github site and didn't see any micropython.cmake files, so I assume that you haven't released the C modules that would be needed to build the drivers into micropython in this fashion, but since you release a micropython firmware, you have these configs, would you be willing to share them?


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