7" ESP32 display issue PlatformIO



  • Hello, I'm still waiting:)

  • SunSun
    edited December 2023

    Hi Denys, sorry to keep you waiting. This is a program that my R&D colleagues modified according to your configuration. Please try to see if it works properly ٩(๑^o^๑)۶


  • Hey, I am trying to compile code for the 5-inch screen on Arduino IDE as per the YouTube video, followed the steps carefully. Came into the same problem with the GFX library, my version is 1.4.2. I copied the code provided in this forum and it did clear up a lot of the errors. However, I am still left with the following errors:

    In file included from C:\Users\User\Documents\Arduino\Elecrow\5inch_Squareline_Demo\5inch_Squareline_Demo.ino:74:

    sketch\touch.h: In function 'bool touch_touched()':

    touch.h:168: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope

       touch_last_x = map(ts.points[0].x, TOUCH_MAP_X1, TOUCH_MAP_X2, 0, lcd->width() - 1);


    C:\Users\User\Documents\Arduino\Elecrow\5inch_Squareline_Demo\5inch_Squareline_Demo.ino: In function 'void my_disp_flush(lv_disp_drv_t*, const lv_area_t*, lv_color_t*)':

    5inch_Squareline_Demo:94: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope

      lcd->draw16bitRGBBitmap(area->x1, area->y1, (uint16_t *)&color_p->full, w, h);


    C:\Users\User\Documents\Arduino\Elecrow\5inch_Squareline_Demo\5inch_Squareline_Demo.ino: In function 'void setup()':

    5inch_Squareline_Demo:158: error: 'lcd' was not declared in this scope



    exit status 1

    'lcd' was not declared in this scope

    I feel like I am close.

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