Is there a Battery for CrowPi2?

Can a battery be added to the CrowPi2 basic kit?
What does it look like? Where does it fit? How much?


  • I see discussions on the forum regarding laptop battery monitors for the CrowPi L.
    Do all CrowPis come with batteries?

  • Please refer to this post

  • Thanks Pearl; I saw that but it does not answer the question of if they are included, or where to buy. It shows they go in a tray and they are described in Github.
    I think the Advanced and Deluxe kits include batteries but they are not listed in the advertising or shown in the pictures.
    I don't see the batteries listed on the Elecrow site either, so where do I buy a spare if the (supplied?) battery fails?
    I saw one forum post that said a guy in India was not able to buy a battery. Perhaps shipping is prohibited?
    The more I search the more questions. Why does the CrowPi have a smaller screen and cost more than the CrowPi2?
    I don't think the CrowPi has a keyboard. They are not always listed. Confusing.

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