CrowPanel 5.0"-HMI ESP32 - serial interface
Hello, just getting started with this. I am looking to interface the CrowPanel 5.0" HMI ESP32 via UART with a separate board running on Arduino. The purpose is to continuously feed readings for the HMI to display, but also send various settings back.
Are there any libraries & examples that would help with this? Something like Nextion or DWIN have.
I am using Squareline Studio for building the UI.
Thank you!
Hi @razvanfatu ,
Please use this link for examples and libraries:
Hi Jennie,
Thank you for the reply.
What I am looking for is some assistance with how to get one of these units to talk to another "Arduino" via the serial port.
All documentation seems to only show examples for reading simple things like sensors, but I need to use it as an actual Human Machine Interface, so it needs to interface with another microcontroller that runs the main code.
Are there libraries to run on BOTH sides (ESP32 on the HMI and the Arduino on the other side) so they better exchange values and events?
Drawing added for reference.
Just an idea I had a similar arrangement before where I used ESP-Now from the display to a Arduino wifi. The nice thing is there is no wires.