ESP32-3.5 TFT display v1.0? cannot get it working
I received a 3.5 inch Elecrow device I think, on the pcb it says 'ESP32-3.5 TFT display' and 'v1.0'.
In the tabel with all the different sizes I see that the processor should be a 'ESP32-WROVER-B', but when I want to upload code to it the Arduino Environment tells me it is not a ESP32, but an ESP32S.
Anyway I cannot get it working with all the examples and selecting the ILI9488 driver.
Do I have some different version? If so, do you have a proper 'hello world' example?
I got the display working. I discovered elecrow has two different versions of 3.5 inch screens: crowpanel and terminal.
I have this one:
Now I found the right examples and pin layout; the screen works fine now...
but my next problem is that I cannot get the SD card working.
the SD.begin() function always returns a 0
fransnl, I have the same 3.5 in. ILI9488 TFT board, ESP32-Wrover-B, can you share your informantion as to how you where able to get it working?
Thanking you in advance,
Paul D. Wilkie
fransnl, I have the same 3.5 in. ILI9488 TFT board, ESP32-Wrover-B, can you share your informantion as to how you where able to get it working?
Thanking you in advance,
Paul D. Wilkie
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