7 inch Display V3 touch now working with the example code.
I have a ESP32 Display - 7 inch V3 board when I tried to upload the example code given, https://github.com/Elecrow-RD/CrowPanel-ESP32-Display-Course-File/tree/main/CrowPanel_ESP32_Tutorial/Code/V3.0/Lesson 6 Design UI with Squareline Studio/4.3-5-7inch/CrowPanel_ESP32_LVGL_Demo
it only shows a button but unable to press it, as per the example, it should be a clickable button.
the library and the versions I use are given below:
LovyanGFX 1.1.16
PCA9557-arduino 1.0.0
TMAC_GT911 1.0.2
LVGL 8.3.11
Please let me know how to solve this, the demo code the board came with has the touch capability working. I followed all the steps given in the YouTube tutorial. ()
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I have the same problem as you. Did you manage to solve this problem please?
The original program, that is loaded in the ESP32 works without a problem. But if I take an example from Github (v3.0), compile it and upload it to ESP32, the touch does not work.
any news here?
I got it to work with the V3 version this example
it uses a different touch driver TAMC_GT911 in touch.h inset of the lgfx::Touch_GT911
I didn’t need to include the PCA9557 library