operating temp range for hi temp and low temp
I've been trying to find any specifications for the crowpanel 3.5 and or larger HMI as I want to be able to use it in a car both winter and summer extremes. I read the wiki specs but didn't see any mention of temp range specs unless I missed it. Anyone know or can find them please provide a link to it if you can. Thanks.
Hello @Thomas
The operating temperature range is -10°C~60°C
may I ask where you found this information? that doesn't seem to be a very tollerable low temp for an industrial or commercial application.
Hello @Thomas
The information is from the spec of the 3.5-inch LCD panel: https://www.elecrow.com/download/product/ESP32_Display/3.5inch/QD354801_Specification.pdf
yes thank you I did find it, I figure the 5 inch version is the same?
Hello Thomas,
Here's the spec of --inch LCD, the operate temperature is -20℃~70℃: https://www.elecrow.com/download/product/ESP32_Display/5.0inch/LI050M331Y_SPEC.pdf