@Elecrow said:
The I043 TX0 should be connected to RXD, and I044 RX0 connect to TXD
Thanks for answer. Some people talks that XY-485 module must be connected as RX-RXD, TX-TXD. Other people talks that ESP32 hardware UART is not compatible with XY-485 module. https://aliexpress.ru/item/32857507366.html
What problem in that?
I have tried to connect XY-485 module to CrowPanel thorough Arduino Nano:
XY-485 UART <-> Arduino Nano Software Serial2 <-> Arduino Nano Hardware Serial UART0 <-> CrowPanel UART0.
Arduino Nano works in transmitter-receiver program mode.
And this system works! Dual channel transmission and receiving works fine. Why CrowPanel UART0 incompatible with XY-485 UART based on usual MAX485 chip?
Hello ,
We want to buy an 7 Inch Display - DIS08070H. But On Mouser.in & Digikey.in it's available only without Acrylic case.
We need with Acrylic case. Please share the actual part no. which is available with Acrylic case either its with 7inch or 10 inch.
I have tried to connect RXD pin of XY-485 to laptop thorough USB/UART convertor. Data have been received successfully .
02 May 2024 Aliexpress
No ideas?
The I043 TX0 should be connected to RXD, and I044 RX0 connect to TXD
Thanks for answer. Some people talks that XY-485 module must be connected as RX-RXD, TX-TXD. Other people talks that ESP32 hardware UART is not compatible with XY-485 module. https://aliexpress.ru/item/32857507366.html
What problem in that?
I have tried to connect XY-485 module to CrowPanel thorough Arduino Nano:
XY-485 UART <-> Arduino Nano Software Serial2 <-> Arduino Nano Hardware Serial UART0 <-> CrowPanel UART0.
Arduino Nano works in transmitter-receiver program mode.
And this system works! Dual channel transmission and receiving works fine.
Why CrowPanel UART0 incompatible with XY-485 UART based on usual MAX485 chip?
Please answer me!
The schematic https://www.elecrow.com/download/product/CrowPanel/ESP32-HMI/7.0-DIS08070H/7.0-DIS08070H-SCH&PCB.zip that is linked from the website https://www.elecrow.com/wiki/esp32-display-702727-intelligent-touch-screen-wi-fi26ble-800480-hmi-display.html still shows the resistance as 22R. I measured 470R on a recent board, but 22R on an older board that does not have the I2C port.
Furthermore, the "Update Record" at https://forum.elecrow.com/discussion/672/esp32-display-update-history does not mention the resistor value change.
Please update the documentation so we don't waste so much time with wrong information.
Hello ,
We want to buy an 7 Inch Display - DIS08070H. But On Mouser.in & Digikey.in it's available only without Acrylic case.
We need with Acrylic case. Please share the actual part no. which is available with Acrylic case either its with 7inch or 10 inch.
Tajwar Kumar
@vdmerwej Have you found any solution of this rx pin?