many problem with flashing, libraries and so on

hello, after nearly 10 days trying to program the display 3.5" RGB with ESP32 on board, I wonder if it is just me or something is wrong. I watched the video tutorial, read the FAQ, read all the wiki I could, still nothing with the LVGL. (I was using platformIO, now I was back to the simple Arduino IDE bot nothing works.

demo 1-2-3 work fine, meaning I can at least program the display. as soon as I try ANY of the projets that use the LVGL library, I got errors, missing declarations, not compiling, rebooting... all sort of stuff. I tried getting the binary for my display, from here ( and usint the EspressiF Flash Download tool (v3.9.5) to just upload the factory program, without success.

I need help. can you please share a clear tutorial or demo file that are proven to work? can you correct the un-precise tutorial on how to flash the board? or, at least, update to the last libraries? any one that succeded in getting the SquareLine studio to work with 3.5 tft LVGL + Arduino + TFT_RGB display type? it is frustrating, and in 10 days the demo license will be over. I won't buy it at this condition.

thank you


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