10.1 Inch Touchscreen not detected on Windows 11

Hello, my 10.1 Inch Touchscreen is not being detected correctly on Windows 11

I have verified that all cables are working, monitor is on.

Windows 11 detects the touchscreen, I can see the touches on another monitor I have connected.

The display does not detect. I am using a Dell Optiplex 5000 Micro, with a Displayport to HDMI cable which is also brand new and works when connecting the same cable to another monitor.

I also checked Dell support and have updated the BIOS to the latest version.

When I turn on the computer, before it enters windows 11 I can see the Dell logo displayed on the 10.1 Inch Touchscreen, after this the display is never detected.

Do you have any display driver I can try? Or do you have a recommendation for a cable that will work?


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