πŸ“’ Exciting news! CrowView - The 14'' Portable Screen Extender Hits On Kickstarter Now πŸ”₯

edited January 16 in Promotions

πŸ“’ Good News: After successful crowdfunding campaigns on Kickstarter, our team is confident in our ability to create solutions that help people work remotely, multitask efficiently, and increase productivity. Today, we are excited to unveil our new ultra-lightweight, efficiency-boosting dual monitor - CrowViewπŸ₯³

CrowView is a portable monitor for your laptop. The dual monitor setup expands your horizons, boosts your productivity, and grants you the freedom to enjoy your favorite digital activities wherever you want. 🀩

⚑ Now Let's Back CrowView on Kickstarter, Up to 37% OFF πŸ‘‡


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